Garrett's Feast
2057 came and went, and for Garrett G’Zorath it seemed like 2058 would be no different. Another year of high school, which was its own unique brand of Hell, another year of looking at her…and not being able to do anything about it. Earth had finally managed to contact other worlds, for good and for ill. For all the technological advancements that the denizens of the Third Planet from the Sun had bestowed upon them had come with a variety of price tags. Some aliens had only asked for a simple thank you in response for their kindness, or a place to stay, or even some of its resources to aid their planets…and some like Garrett’s people wound up making an old episode of The Twilight Zone a reality. It was fine at first—some were volunteers, the terminally ill who wanted their torment to end, criminals who the world wanted to be ended. They all found their ways to an Anaki dinner table, a Bynkus’ belly, or a Volfbayne’s larder. But the Anakis—hulking green beasts so dumb they’d have ...