Garrett's Feast

 2057 came and went, and for Garrett G’Zorath it seemed like 2058 would be no different. Another year of high school, which was its own unique brand of Hell, another year of looking at her…and not being able to do anything about it. Earth had finally managed to contact other worlds, for good and for ill. For all the technological advancements that the denizens of the Third Planet from the Sun had bestowed upon them had come with a variety of price tags. Some aliens had only asked for a simple thank you in response for their kindness, or a place to stay, or even some of its resources to aid their planets…and some like Garrett’s people wound up making an old episode of The Twilight Zone a reality.

It was fine at first—some were volunteers, the terminally ill who wanted their torment to end, criminals who the world wanted to be ended. They all found their ways to an Anaki dinner table, a Bynkus’ belly, or a Volfbayne’s larder. But the Anakis—hulking green beasts so dumb they’d have nervous breakdowns trying to change a lightbulb—had grown fond of a certain type of human. And a certain sex, of a certain build yet. If you had tits, a vagina, and some junk in your trunk and you lived next door to an Anaki, you didn’t tend to live exceptionally long. To say that things got ugly fast would be an understatement. The Anaki became something of a pariah among the species not of Earth, as their gluttonous misdeeds wound up costing everybody. It took a while, but the politicians of Earth came to an agreement: Intergalactic species could no longer feast on human females as a primary source of food. It was all well and good for the adults, but for teenaged connoisseurs of the flesh of Eve? Surrounded by the nubile, jaunty, juicy flesh of the student body in its physical prime, or well-fed MILFs trying to teach geography and arithmetic to creatures that hungered for them in ways they may not have been comfortable with. Yup, thought Garrett—this is mother-farkin’ Hell.

To keep the peace and to ensure enough teachers existed to instruct growing young minds and that there were enough female minds to teach, strict laws were passed and even more strictly enforced. For all intents and purposes, the ruling—mostly human—class of Earth wound up basically outlawing eating women by punishment of life imprisonment or execution, one such way was becoming some other creature’s repast. There was a light at the end of the metaphorical tunnel: It would be fine and dandy to chow down on a curvy lass IF the girl had the misfortune of finding herself on the Meat Draft or otherwise consented to end her life as somebody’s din-din. It went without saying that there were not a whole lot of women wanting to die like a hog in a slaughterhouse or a suckling pig on a spit.

Gahan Wilson High School was like holding up a Butterfinger in front of a starving diabetic. The fairer sex that inhabited the institution seemed to be exceedingly well-built. Braless breasts bouncing up and down at the slightest provocation, butts that some would have no problem being smothered with…someone’s—something’s God—really liked toying with certain species. It was really bad especially where Julia Sanchez was concerned. While some instructors took pleasure in passing their knowledge onto their students, achieving a sort of figurative immortality, Julia did it strictly for the cash. She full tilt despised the job, but the hazard pay was too good to pass up. The lack of people or other creatures willing to teach a student body that would very much want to feast on theirs didn’t much appeal to those who would be brave enough to take that chance opened up job opportunities for those who simply came to work and lazed about.

Julia did a lot of that. Whether or not she meant to, she spent much of that time making herself look tastier and tastier in the eyes of her class with every bon bon and Ho-Ho she stuffed down her gullet. The one problem Julia did treat with some importance was the fact all those snack cakes were mostly going straight to her ass. While a ripe peach to begin with, her rear end grew into a bounty of butt-flesh, that tapered down into her thighs. Years of track and a somewhat effective exercise regimen made sure that there was just as much meat as there was fat in them; she knew that most of the creatures in the school drooled over them, wondering how much ham they would get from each.  As for her tits, seeing the modest B-cups turn into well-marbled Dees did put a smile on her face. At least they match my ass now, Julia smirked to herself before reality came crashing back down on her.

Hell, she knew each day was a risk—not even the law could deter every student, as half the entirely human cheer squad found out the first year she started work there. Xenophobic little cunts, Julia smirked nastily to herself, they got their just deserts alright. Picking on the Roiland’rs—gawky, small little blue people with overbites—was now akin to courting Death. The torment had gotten a little too nasty, in the wrong place—Mr. Kowolochek’s Intro to Home Economics—and the wrong time, as the group of oversized Smurfs were in the process of mourning one of their tribal elders. Bereavement and grief were soon replaced with elation and retaliation when one Roiland’r reacted to the bitchiness of the corn-fed captain by ripping off her top and taking a few D’s off the screaming harlot’s chunky chest. The rumors of her tits being the work of an incredibly talented doctor were laid to rest by those who witnessed the carnage. By the time the cops had broken down the doors to the Home Economics wing of Wilson High, the bustier and more bubble-butt-ier of the squad were halfway eaten, and the other half slowly dying on the grill, boiling in a pot, roasting in a hot oven or—like the head of the squad—being served Tartar. The girls had pissed off of enough of their classmates one time too many that the Roiland’rs managed to evade the law. When the authorities finally managed to hunt the blue folk down, they’d already hopped on their ships and high-tailed it into International Space. There hadn’t been a cheer squad since.  

Not everyone who decided to let their stomachs control their fates were as lucky, as the punishment of a fatal felony kept them in check. Barely. Knowing that any day could be your last really killed the appeal of actually doing the job. Most of Julia’s anger stemmed from the fact that even if she did give a damn about her occupation, all those brats would see in her was her quality as meat. In what seemed as further proof of that point, the little idiots in her Intro to English class were especially stupid, as this particular gaggle of intergalactic morns had the single lowest grades in the entire school.

Grades so bad, that the principle and the district superintendent noticed.

Grades so bad it was putting Julia’s job in jeopardy.

It was not a hard decision to make, using the hunger these little dullards had for her to HER advantage. Jaws dropped and eyes bugged out when she made her little announcement one April morning. “Alright, you shitheads,” she snarled, “I’m going to let you in on a little secret—You’re the dumbest kids in school. That’s not even hyperbole…”

A Gurkin shot her hand up. “Uhhh, Mizz Sanchezz, what iz hi-purr-bowl-ee?…”

“A statement that shouldn’t be taken…SHUT UP!” Now over their initial shock, the gaze the class thrust upon Julia was murderous. “Yeah, I called you stupid, you disgusting freaks! What are you going to do about it? You try and eat me against my will or if I’m not on the Draft, they’ll give you fuckers the chair!”

“I’d risk the fuckin’ chair if it meant I got to take a bite out of you, you stupid human cow!,” Garrett snarled from his seat in the back, stepping up and practically throwing his desk across the room. “Right out of your fat, meaty ass…right after I FUCK it!!”

“I’d go for those titties, man…slather ‘em in mayo and chomp both of ‘em off!,” a Murfyn chimed in. Some of his classmates looked back at him quizzically. “What? They’re nice enough to eat…Man, fuck you guys!”

It was the Gurkin’s turn now. “Kuhnt. I whan Mizz Sanchezz kuhnt. May-kkk her kuhm furrzt. May-kkk kuhnt may-kkk huh-nee…fur flay-vrr faht kuhnt.”

Julia’s face was red, her eyes watering with tears of anger. “You want to FUCK and EAT me, you big green bastard?! Ram that tiny cock up in here?,” the woman growled. “Grab my hips and fuck it till you cum, huh…ASSHOLE!!” she pointed to her ass, “I bet your cock is so small, I wouldn’t feel a goddamn thing!” Her glare focused on the Murfyn. “How about you? You want to eat my tits, huh? My young, fat, juicy titties. Titties a guy hasn’t squeezed in almost two years?!...” Julia caught herself before she revealed any more of her pathetic sex life to these beings. Anger seemed to be clouding her judgment this day; Ripping her blouse open, her single D cup, braless breasts jostled with the sudden movement, running her hands over them, her dusky pink nipples hardening. “They’re nice and soft and sensitive. I wonder if I’d actually cum, even from all that pain as you eat them!”

Her sneer found its way to the Gurkin, “make my ‘Kuhnt’ all gooey and sticky with ‘huh-nee’!,” she snickered, putting emphasis on how the little pink female had described her most intimate region…while jamming her hand down her pants, thrusting a pair of fingers in and out of her moistening sex. “Here, you retarded little bitch,” Julia screeched, yanking her hand out and thrust her cum covered fingers in front of the little Gurkin’s face, “have a taste! Oh wait, that’s right…YOU FUCKING CAN’T!” With that she shoved them into her own mouth and didn’t take them out until the digits were completely clean of her slut spunk.

A cloud of rage filled the classroom as their teacher continued to make fun of them. Then a nasty idea popped into Julia’s head, a real humdinger. “You know what, you stupid fucking kids? You want to eat me?” Her cruel smile was directed at Garrett. “If this fucking moron can pass today’s Pop Quiz—without cheating—I’m all yours! No fooling—I’ll go on the website and register myself as meat and make this shit official right the fuck now!” Julia wasted no time on clicking on to the Meat Draft and signing up. No way this asshole’ll will pass!! No sooner had she finished, she sent the quizzes to the students’ computers and put up the dividers to make doubly sure that big green jerk didn’t get creative. She, however, had no intention of playing fair. Garrett looked up, annoyed that dumb human pig would bug him right now, of all times. His annoyance was soon drowned out by his lust; The buxom brunette was nude, tan lines clearly visible on her tanned skin, those nipples she’d teased the class with hard enough to cut glass, her cunt drooling hungrily.

Then the bitch turned around and got on all fours and shook her juicy backside like she was getting paid to do it. Garrett had trouble keeping his eye on both his quiz and his cruel teacher’s succulent ham, enticing him, pulling his attention away from the only avenue he could take to taste her. “Fuck it,” Garrett moaned, “I was never going to pass this thing anyway,” and began selecting answers at random with one claw, unzipping his pants and jerking off with the other.

Fifteen minutes had passed. The likelihood of eating Ms. Sanchez became slimmer and slimmer as the rest of the class listened to their dumbest member masturbating, while the bitch in question looked specifically at his desk with a Cheshire Cat grin. “Time, fuckers,” she chortled as the quizzes were sent back to her computer to be graded. Being that she could barely speak it, the Gurkin had the highest grade in the class so far—a 92—and Julia silently thanked God she hadn’t made the bet with the little pink creature. The Murkyn hadn’t even tried—a 10. Julia didn’t even bother to look at Garrett’s grade, evilly putting her clothe back on, only chancing a glance at her screen as she did so.

Her smile dissipated at the sight before her, her golden skin turning deathly white. She clicked on the Redo option of the grading system, maybe it had gone wonky…

It hadn’t. It was harder than it should have been to keep from screaming in horror. The G’Zorath’s grade keep staring back at her, seemingly taunting her. Her shaking finger was aiming for the Redo option.

It pressed Send to Student by accident.

That big, green, nightmarish thing. The quiz…the fucker ACED it. Straight 100.

A murmur went through the room. Is that for real? No way! Holy fuck! Hell, one of those freaks began weeping and chattering in joy. The little pinky, busty Gurkin.

The one who said she wanted to eat her “kuhnt.”

Tit-Boy was standing on his desk, staring at Julia, a gruesome smile filled with razor sharp teeth filling taking up most of his face. He dug in his pocket for something, found it, and brought up for the beefy beauty to see. Packets of mayonnaise.

A snarl quieted the room. A thunderous voice sucked all the oxygen out of the room. “I’ll share. But give me room to FUCK her!” The dividers came down just in time for the class to see Julia barrel out of the room like her life depended on it.

Because it did.

“NOOO!,” a scream filled the room. The Gurkin. “It oh-fizz-all! Mizz Sanchezz meet iz OURZ!!”

“Yes, yes it is, Pinky,” Garrett growled. “She is OUR meat! Every one of you will get a taste of what you want…but that ASS is mine.” A low grumble came from some of the class. “Pfft!,” Garrett snickered, “have you seen her ass? I’ll barely be able to eat one cheek, if that,” as he got up from his seat, wiped his spunk on his desk and zipped up his pants, “And I’m going to go get it back.”

*************************************************************************************Julia had a good five-minute head-start on the things that wanted to devour her.  She’d never run so fast in her entire life, making it to the parking lot by minute three. Hot damn, Jules! She silently cheered herself, you still got IT, Baby! She dug into her pants pocket for the keys to her car…and came up empty.

Maybe the other…

The well-fed woman was hyperventilating now, at the realization she’d left her keys behind in the classroom, when she stripped to get that lucky green fucker to flunk his quiz. Then she looked back up, at where she had parked that morning.

Behind the bleachers. A few feet away from where the faculty would barbeque hot dogs and hamburgers during the football games it USED to have. The grill hadn’t been used in a year and a half, but it was still full of charcoal. A box of matches and lighter fluid were still next to it. Lazy fucking JANITOR!! Julia snarled inwardly as she backed away.

Right into Garrett.

Julia swung at him, hoping to stun him enough to find another way out of her fate; the green being merely used the momentum of it to twirl her around—and with a forceful push—shove her tits first onto the rusty grill. As the unfortunate women tried to push herself up, hands grabbed at her wrists and drug her back down onto the grill. She felt her limbs—both arms and legs—being tied to the four legs of the cooking apparatus and wept at the sounds of jubilation coming from her students.

None of them were going to help her, but they would help EAT her.

The cheering died down as she felt a presence behind her prone backside, gnarled hands kneading her abundant ass-flesh. “P.E.’s over, you fat bitch!,” Garrett snarled, as his fingers dug inbetween her shorts and underwear and her overripe bottom, and with a yank ripped the clothes free from her. Her naked ass was a beautiful sight; one could tell her tan was natural as the bronze of her ass cheeks gave way to a paler hue around her hips and hint of it at her crotch. The moons of butt were gargantuan, not even Garrett’s hands could overtake the abundant flesh.

The green alien wasn’t just interested in massaging her glutes, however. Unbuckling his pants to free his re-hardened cock, his fingers dug between the girl’s ass-cheeks and pulled them apart, revealing her pink, virginal sphincter. “No! NO! NO PLEASE! NOT THERE,” the chunky educator begged as she felt the beast spit at her bunghole, coating it with a slight sheen of otherworldly saliva.

“Yes there, worthless human cow!,” the Anaki barked. “It’s what all hateful Earth scum deserve: a nice, hard ASS FUCKING right before they DIE!” He bent down to the squirming woman’s ear, snarling, “And today, Miss Sanchez, you are going to DIE! I’ve been craving Mexican food like a motherfucker!”

 “Oh, GOD—P-Please No-OOOOO MOTHERFUCKKERR!!,” her pleading turned to shill shrieking as Garrett forced his dick into aperture betwixt the plump human harlot’s humongous hams; his cock sunk an inch deeper into the squealing woman with each thrust until he was buried completely inside her rectum. His thrusts grew slower, almost like the alien wanted to savor the feel of Julia’s butt, like it would be the last time he’d ever do so.

It would be.

Julia wept as she was untied—she hadn’t the strength to escape even if it was at all possible—as Garrett pulled her towards him, away from grill, her crotch, mid-section and chest hanging in midair; her hands were retied to the grill just in case. Then she felt a pair of sensations. With them, came the remembrance of promises made. Promises in regard to her embattled body. The chunky teacher moaned pitifully as she felt chapped lips wrap themselves around her left nipple and began sucking, a scaly hand rubbing her belly while the other kneaded her other breast. It was the Murfyn, making good on his threat to help himself to her helpless hooters. “Mmm,” the alien boy—or girl, as Julia never cared enough to find out—mumbled around his mouthful, “that Penelope Cruz movie was right—these do taste like jamon!!”

If that weren’t humiliating enough, it got so much worse when IT came, something wet and raspy, parting the lips of her plump, moistening-against-her-will labia, worming its way deep into her drooling cunt, deeper than any human tongue could ever do until she felt it scraping against her G-Spot. Ughh! Fucking Gurkin! Julia groaned inwardly, as the little pink girl ate her out. The busty little creature moaned happily around her juicy mouthful, slurping down all the cream Julia’s quivering snatch could produce, her darting tongue coaxing out gush after creamy gush of human girl cum. “Yesssh, Mizz San-chizz,” the diminuative little creature wept. “Yoo hah-ve suh-chh tayst-ee KUHNT!!” The pink beauty was having a field day, her tongue slathering the walls of the hateful woman’s womb with her saliva. The horrible thing almost seemed to reach its bottom in time with the Anaki’s thrusts into her abused asshole and the suckling of her tits, the last one courtesy of the incredibly happy Murfyn, with his mouthfuls of breast flesh.

Julia shut her eyes and tried desperately to fight against each and every one of her painful orgasms as her students enjoyed her sexually. Breasts, pussy and ass weren’t the only ones being defiled by the alien creatures, however. She could feel her toes getting sucked, warm tongues digging into her exposed belly button. A wetness at her fingers got her to open a single eye—she wished she hadn’t. One of the little bastards was making a sandwich, with her right hand as the meat, lovingly slathered in mayo before she felt slices of bread trapping it within the gooey prison. A blue girl with four eyes—literally—bent down to lap at the tears flowing from her eyes; when she could cry no longer, the alien girl took out a bottle of mustard and drew happy faces on the unfortunate Latina’s cheek and hungrily licked the condiment off.

Finally, when Julia could orgasm no longer, Garrett snarled out a curse in his native tongue as his thrust grew quicker and sloppier until he had finally reached his sexual end. His hot cum burst from the head of his cock, painting the inside of Julia’s ass a revolting shade of off-white. Being an alien, his temperature of his spunk was a little more than the human body could handle; Julia wept as she could feel the thick fluid bubbling inside of her rectum, singeing the helpless innards of her bubble butt. The Anaki moaned happily as he eased himself out of the human woman’s tight asshole; if knowing it’s master’s fate, it seemed like it was doing what it could to keep the big green cock inside of it. When he had pulled out fully, his thick sperm poured out of Julia’s quivering ass; some of managed to splash the Gurkin, who shrieked as she was burnt, pulling her mouth away from her teacher’s gooey snatch to curse out the Anaki.

“Damn, bitch,” he chortled, looking down at the abused form of his teacher, “all that fuckin’ BUILDS UP AN APPETITE!” Gesturing to one of his classmates, he bent down, his face perpendicular with the ill-fated Latina’s plump ass, “Yo! Pass the mustard!” Julia could feel the cold condiment being swirled around each of her butt cheeks, too weak to fight back. Even with the prodigious volume of her weeping, her sobbing was drowned out by raucous laughter as Garrett moved back to take in his masterpiece. Upon each juicy glute, he’d written R.I.P. PIG in French’s; the right cheek had an addendum in mayonnaise reading PART II. Julia could feel the Anaki hot breath on her helpless backside; it was almost comforting in comparison to the rest of her body, as she felt lunch creams being smeared on her tender tits, on her belly—the Gurkin had gotten ahold of a spatula, slathered in Campfire Sauce, and thrust it in and out of her until the slit was soaking in it. The giggling had gone silent; “Any last words,” Garrett snickered against her rear.

She knew it was useless, but Julia tried, nonetheless. “P-Please…please let me go…”

“Fuck no,” the Anaki breathed, before opening his mouth as wide as it could go, filling it with her trembling left ass cheek, the salt of her skin, the mustard, and the aura of fear were dancing on his taste buds. When he could not fit anymore of the fatty muscle, he closed his jaws, his teeth sinking into the mound of human ham filling his maw. Julia had always imagined that if any alien got ahold of her, their teeth would close around parts of her like a steel trap. That was a nightmare; the reality was the Anaki truly savoring his meal. Julia shrieked as the big green teen slowly buried his molars into her, feeling them break her skin, sink past the good amount of fat surrounding her ass muscles, and then finally the agony of a chunk of said muscle being torn away from the rest. With a roar, Garrett threw his back, his mouth full of Julia Sanchez’s sweet, juicy, succulent butt.

The others took it as their cue; The Gurkin took Garrett’s approach when it came to the instructor’s twat, jaws slowly digging into the savory fold of flesh, filling her tiny mouth with as much of vagina as it could handle, and yanked her head away. The little pink teen rocked back and forth, almost catatonic with joy. She began mumbling a prayer to her gods around her mouthful—thanking them for such a bounty—though it could barely be heard with the pain filled screams bursting out of the buxom bitch’s.

She had an easier go with the Murfyn. Julia was thankful—for a moment—that she didn’t have the biggest tits in the world; the alien teen managed to get a whole one in his mouth, and unlike his peers, he was not interested in savoring his lunch. His jaws were brought to a close like a steel trap around the base of her left milk-bag, and with a yank, ripped the breast free from its owner. He chewed his mouthful voraciously—fat, blood, and a hint of milk dribbling from out of the corners of his mouth. When he’d swallowed his teat-y treat, he did the same to its sister.

The pain had made Julia so delirious; she didn’t register one of her former students enjoying a Hand Sandwich; she did hear the sound of her flesh and bones being crunched under those alien chompers and to an extent felt the sensation of her flesh being torn away. Tear Licker was back, no longer swabbing her face with pinkish saliva, but nibbling away at the chubby cheeks of her face, getting closer and closer to the base of her skull. She could tell Garrett was enjoying himself; having finished a moon of her ass, he’d ripped the leg barely holding on to the rest of her body free. He walked around the Latina, bending down in front of her face, his teeth tearing chunks of meat from her still quivering thigh.

She finally got enough strength to whisper one last insult. “Wazz…matter, f-fucker? Couldn’t eat t-the whole ass?”

“No, that ain’t why, you dumb cow,” he matched her wise-assery. “I’m taking what’s left of you home with me.” There was still plenty of her left, her former charges having their fill of her. There were holes in her belly, she was now left-handed, and her tits and cunt were gone. “Ya see, our people do somethin’ special with pieces of meat like you…”

Julia didn’t hear the rest, as she’d finally died in the middle of the Anaki’s spiel. Fuckin’ bitch got the last laugh, Garret snarled inwardly, well, that’s what SHE thinks! He laughed as he lifted up Julia Sanchez’s carcass and began walking home. It didn’t matter to him that there were still three hours of school left.

He wanted to bring her to his family, while her body was still warm, while it was still possible to perform the Kud-ni’kai—to bring the unfortunate woman back to life, to join the other women in the pens in the cave beneath his basement, to—like them—provide his friends and family with plenty of tasty human girl-meat.

To see the look on her face when her body reformed from the bloody mass in his arms, to know that she would die horribly, again and again and again.

To tell the bitch that she was his, for all time.

Last laugh, my ASS!! Garrett chuckled as he approached his family abode, sounds of joy filling the house at the sight of his bounty, patting what remained of Julia’s butt.

He’d be sharing his lunch with his classmates for the rest of his schooling.

All 20 years of it.

And if Julia Sanchez didn't think that what she'd been through was Hell, she would...

...Soon enough.


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